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Austrian Orienteering 6 Days - City Race Euro Tour Graz (6152)
Click on "Register for this competition" to make entry for yourself and/or your club.
Competition info:
Competition name:Austrian Orienteering 6 Days - City Race Euro Tour Graz
Start date:08.07.2022
End date:14.07.2022
Entry dates:
Organizer:Sportunion Schöckl Graz
Location (city, area, ...):Graz & Hartberg
Competition website:https://www.austrian-o-days.at/
Number of stages:6
Electronic punching:SportIdent
Use our online entries system:Yes
Classes:M10 (shadow), W10 (shadow), M12, W12, M14, W14, M16 (CRET Youth), W16 (CRET Youth), M18 (CRET Junior), W18 (CRET Junior), M20 (CRET Junior), W20 (CRET Junior), M21E (CRET Elite), W21E (CRET Elite), M21A long (CRET Elite), W21A long (CRET Elite), M21A short, W21A short, M21B, W21B, M35 (CRET Elite), W35 (CRET Elite), M40 (CRET Veteran), W40 (CRET Veteran), M40B, W40B, M45 (CRET Veteran), W45 (CRET Veteran), M50 (CRET Veteran), W50 (CRET Veteran), M55 (CRET Supervet), W55 (CRET Supervet), M60 (CRET Supervet), W60 (CRET Supervet), M65 (CRET Ultravet), W65 (CRET Ultravet), M70 (CRET Ultravet), W70 (CRET Ultravet), M75 (CRET Hipervet), W75 (CRET Hipervet), Open A (difficult), Open B (difficult, but shorter), Open C (medium), Open D (easy), Beginner Adult, Beginner Children
Entries by name
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This competition has finished.